Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

Chapter 188: Salt, Sugar and Sushi?

Chapter 188: Salt, Sugar and Sushi?


Even amidst the chaos and urgency of their mission, Yun Che found a moment to delve into the depths of their treasury after gaining the rewards of the side quest from the system. With each item he selected and the system helping them find Mai and Mei's collected wealth, Yun Che imagined Mai's reaction—the gleam in her eyes, the spark of determination that had always defined her. He knew her well enough to anticipate her choice. Though the treasures could undoubtedly elevate her restaurant to unparalleled heights of luxury, Yun Che was certain that Mai would have a different plan in mind.

He could picture her now, standing amidst the bustling streets of her district, her sleeves rolled up as she worked tirelessly to uplift her community. Mai had always been selfless, her heart brimming with compassion for those less fortunate. She wouldn't hesitate to use the clan's resources to aid the people who needed it most.

With the help of the system, he turned them into coins so Mai could use them for her convenience. She might not be comfortable using wealth taken from the fallen clan, but she can use it to help the people terrorized by it.


As they made their way back, Mai seemed visibly shaken, her steps faltering as she struggled to maintain her composure. It was clear that the events of the day had taken a toll on her, leaving her shaken and vulnerable.

"Is she alright, brother-in-law?" Yuanba inquired, concern evident in his voice as he supported Mai's unsteady steps. He couldn't bear to see her in such distress.

Yun Che glanced over at Mai, his expression softening with concern. "She'll be alright. It's been a rough day for her," he replied, his voice gentle as he reassured Yuanba.

Meanwhile, Mei seemed remarkably calm, her trust in her big brother unwavering despite the danger they had faced. Perched on Yun Che's shoulder, she radiated a sense of innocence that belied the chaos that had unfolded around them.

"I am a little scared, but big brother saved me with your magic cubes. Thank you," Mei spoke softly, her voice filled with gratitude as she looked up at Yun Che for using the Kekkai Kido to save her.

Yun Che smiled warmly, grateful that he had been able to protect his little sister from harm. "You're safe now, Mei-chan. That's all that matters," he replied, his voice filled with reassurance.

Mai, however, couldn't shake off her fear, her thoughts consumed by what could have happened if they hadn't arrived in time. "I am sorry if you came a bit late. I don't know what would have happened to me," she confessed, her voice trembling with emotion. Mai was almost sullied; her purity would be lost, and she would lose her value as a woman. No man will ever look at her ever again.

Yun Che reached out to gently squeeze her hand, offering her a reassuring smile. "Don't apologize, Mai-san. We're here now, and those people won't bother you anymore," he assured her, his tone firm and reassuring.

As they continued on their way, Mai's mind raced with questions, her curiosity piqued by their rescue. "What did you do to them?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Yun Che hesitated for a moment, exchanging a meaningful glance with Yuanba before responding. "We... took care of them. They won't trouble you anymore," he replied evasively, choosing not to disclose the full extent of their actions. Mai seemed to accept his explanation, albeit reluctantly, her mind still reeling from the day's events.

Mai's heart overflowed with gratitude and relief as she approached her restored restaurant, tears of happiness streaming down her cheeks. It was a stark contrast to the devastation she had witnessed when the Black Lotus Clan had ruthlessly torn apart her parents' hard work.

As she and Mei approached the entrance, they were greeted by Retsu and the others, who had been tirelessly working to clean and repair the damage. Retsu immediately rushed forward, her eyes filled with concern as she checked for any injuries.

"Mai-chan! Mei-chan!" Retsu called out, her voice filled with relief as she saw them approach unharmed.

Mai couldn't hold back her emotions any longer as she collapsed into Retsu's embrace, overcome with gratitude. "Miss Retsu, Miss Mio, Miss Nemu, and Princess Cang Yue," she murmured, her voice choked with emotion. "Thank you for saving someone like me and my sisters. We were certain no one would come for us, but I kept wishing you would come and save us."

"Mou… Just Retsu, Mio, Nemu, and Cang Yue. You and Mei are our friends. Protecting friends is more important," Retsu explained to Mai, her tone gentle yet firm. She understood Yun Che's decision to leave them behind, knowing that Mai and Mei shouldn't have to witness the violence that would have ensued.

Retsu held Mai close, her own eyes misty with tears as she comforted her. "You don't have to thank us, Mai-chan. We're just glad we could help," she reassured her, her voice gentle and soothing.

Mio, Nemu, and Cang Yue joined in the embrace, offering their support and reassurance to Mai and Mei. Despite the trials they had faced, Mai felt a sense of warmth and belonging enveloping her, knowing that she had friends who would stand by her side no matter what.

"Big sisters!" Mei called out excitedly, and Yun Che gently set her down so she could run into Mio's waiting arms.

Mai hugged Retsu tightly, her gratitude pouring out once again. "Thank you, everyone, thank you for caring for both me and Mei. We were certain our days were numbered the moment we were taken away by those men."

"Don't worry. You're our friend. We'll come for you anytime you need us," Yun Che assured them, earning a nod from Yuanba. It was clear that Yuanba's concern for Mai and Mei's safety had driven him to act impulsively, and Yun Che had been there to support him when he needed it most.

As Yun Che glanced at the restored restaurant, he couldn't help but be impressed. "The place looks brand new."

"Well, we did use the Apple to fix it," Retsu admitted with a smile, closing her mouth with her hand. The power of the Apple of Eden had indeed proven invaluable in restoring the damage done to Mai and Mei's beloved restaurant.

"That Apple is really something," Cang Yue remarked with curiosity, recalling the remarkable power she had witnessed firsthand. Yun Che had mentioned something about turning imagination into reality with it.

"Thank you again, Yun Che, Yuanba, and Kon, for rescuing both of us," Mai expressed her gratitude with a smile, bowing her head. Yuanba grinned bashfully, his cheeks flushing slightly, while Yun Che simply shrugged, a casual grin on his face.

"All's well that ends well. Mai-chan and Mei-chan must be really hungry. Retsu, mind whipping something up for them?" Yun Che suggested, prompting Retsu's nod of agreement.

"With pleasure. I wanted to cook my special fried rice for Nemu-chan as well as her victory celebration," Retsu replied with a joyful grin, eager to celebrate her friend's success.

"I have a new dish to introduce to all of you, but…" Yun Che's statement piqued their curiosity, and they all turned to him expectantly as he produced a small vase containing salt and handed it to Retsu.

"Salt? Is this the new ingredient you're talking about?" Retsu examined the glimmering salt, its crystals sparkling like diamonds.

"Salt? Doesn't look anything special, Danna-sama," Mio commented, a hint of disappointment in her tone as she observed the seemingly ordinary salt.

"Don't fret about it. Just use it as the main ingredient like you used to, and you'll be surprised," Yun Che reassured them, his confidence infectious. Retsu nodded determinedly, ready to incorporate the mysterious salt into her dish.

"I'll prepare some Onigiri while I'm at it. Can I use the salt as well?" Mio requested eagerly, seeking permission from Yun Che, who readily granted it. With a newfound sense of excitement, Mio set to work on her onigiri, the first dish she had ever learned to make and one she felt confident in, especially with the addition of the special salt.

"Well then…" Retsu rolls her kimono sleeve before using a special carving knife to cut the vegetables to prepare her special fried rice for Nemu, Mai and Mei. The Chen sisters had never tasted fried rice before, and they were curious about what kind of dish that was.

With practiced hands, she embarked on her common masterpiece: her special fried rice. It wasn't just a dish; it was a symphony of flavors, a journey of senses. As she carefully selected each ingredient, her mind danced with anticipation. Tonight, her creations were not just for anyone; they were for her beloved sister, Nemu, and the Chen sisters, Mai and Mei, as well as for her small family.

Retsu poured her heart into every step, from the meticulous chopping of vegetables to the gentle sizzle of garlic in the hot wok before she broke an egg into it. With each toss and stir, the kitchen filled with the intoxicating aroma of soy sauce and sesame oil, a tantalizing promise of the delights to come. Curious, she puts in the special salt that Yun Che prepared for her. She too was curious why this salt was so special.

"Ufuu… it's ready," Retsu spoke with a big smile as she prepared several servings for all her customers.

"I am ready as well." Mio prepared her own batch of Onigiris or rice balls. On Retsu's side, Mio prepared her own dish, salty rice balls. Her hands deftly shaped rice into perfect orbs of goodness. It was a task she approached with both precision and passion, for these weren't just any rice balls; they were special rice balls which she decided to add the special ingredients that Yun Che prepared. Moreover, it was the simplest dish she could come up with.

With a bowl of steaming hot rice at her side, Mio began her ritual. She scooped a generous handful of rice, feeling its warmth and texture between her fingers, a sensation that never failed to soothe her soul. With gentle yet firm pressure, she molded the rice into compact spheres. As she worked, Mai and Mei watched with curiosity. With a smile playing on her lips, Mio added a surprise filling to each rice ball: a savory center of pickled plum, a slice of seasoned seaweed, or perhaps a nugget of tender grilled salmon as well as the special salt that Yun Che prepared. These little treasures nestled within the rice, promising bursts of flavor with every bite. As she finished shaping the last rice ball, Mio's heart swelled with satisfaction.

Retsu and Mio had outdone themselves, crafting special rice dishes that seemed to embody the essence of the sea itself. Each bite was a revelation, a symphony of flavors that danced on the palate and left everyone craving for more.

"This is…" Mai's words trailed off as she indulged in the irresistible fried rice, her taste buds singing with pleasure. It was a taste unlike anything she had ever experienced, and she knew she had to learn Retsu's secrets for herself. Eating this makes her forget about her kidnapping just now.

"So delicious, big sister," Mei chimed in, her eyes shining with delight. The savory goodness of the fried rice seemed to wash away the memory of their recent ordeal, leaving only joy in its wake.

"Nee-sama… I've had your fried rice many times before, but this is something else. What's your secret ingredient?" Nemu inquired, her curiosity piqued by the exceptional flavor.

"Mio-chan's Onigiri is absolutely divine as well," Cang Yue interjected between bites, her expression one of pure bliss. She had sampled Mio's creations before, but this batch surpassed them all.

"This is incredible, sister-in-law!" Yuanba exclaimed enthusiastically, his appetite seemingly insatiable as he devoured both the onigiri and fried rice.

"Nee-sama, it's amazing. Even Mio-neesama's onigiri is out of this world," Nemu added, echoing the sentiments of the others. Each bite was a revelation, a testament to the culinary prowess of Retsu and Mio.

As they savored the delectable dishes, the question lingered in their minds: what was the secret behind these extraordinary flavors?

"Ara… is it really that delicious?" Retsu herself was taken aback, surprised by the extraordinary taste of the simple fried rice she had prepared. It was a dish she had made countless times before, but this time it seemed to have an inexplicable depth of flavor.

"I don't know, Ret-chan," Mio mused, her curiosity piqued by the unexpected culinary experience.

Yun Che scooped up a spoonful of Retsu's fried rice and fed it to her. "Try it, you'll be surprised."

Blushing slightly, Retsu accepted the spoonful and tasted it, her eyes widening in astonishment. The fried rice was a culinary masterpiece, each bite bursting with flavor. It was a perfect harmony of ingredients expertly combined to create a symphony of taste.

"This is… it's delicious!" Retsu exclaimed, her surprise evident. Yun Che then turned to Mio and fed her as well. She too was astounded by the incredible flavors that seemed to dance on her tongue.

"Mio-chan, it's the salt. The amazing taste comes from the salt!" Retsu explained, confirming her suspicion by tasting a pinch of salt. Yun Che nodded in agreement.

"Umai!!!!!!!" Mio exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she turned to Yun Che. "Danna-sama! What kind of salt is this?"

"Yuu-kun, please tell us. What is this salt? It's like the taste of the sea itself," Retsu's eyes shimmered with curiosity, reflecting the awe shared by Mio. How could such a simple ingredient produce flavors that seemed to transcend ordinary culinary experiences?

Yun Che grinned, savoring the moment before revealing his secret. "It's the foundation of all seasoning, my dears. Salt. But not just any ordinary salt—it's a rare delicacy found only in this world."

Retsu and Mio nodded in understanding, realizing that despite the culinary knowledge Yun Che brought from his world, this heavenly salt was a product of this realm. "Then, how does such salt exist? Why haven't we discovered it before? We use the rock bed salt and it was never this delicious before."

Nemu, Cang Yue, Yuanba, and the Chen sisters listened intently, sharing in the curiosity surrounding this newly discovered magical salt.

"The salt we've been using all this time comes from underground salt beds. Untampered from the energies of Heaven and Earth" Yun Che explained. "But the salt you two just tasted? It's different. It's Aqua Laguna Salt, extracted from the seawater along the sea walls of the Imperial City."

Yun Che couldn't help but grin as he named it after a special salt episode from One Piece, where Sanji used Aqua Laguna Salt to enhance his dishes.

"But seawater salt is no different. How come it tasted differently from other salt?" Mio wondered, puzzled by the unique flavor of the Aqua Laguna Salt.

"Well, while seawater salt itself may not be different, it's important to remember that our world is infused with the energy of Heaven and Earth of this world," Yun Che explained. "This energy interacts with the minerals in the sea, giving rise to special qualities in seawater. It's these unique minerals that make Aqua Laguna Salt stand out."

"To think that something as ordinary as seawater could hold such culinary potential," Cang Yue marveled. Despite her proficiency in cooking, she lacked the knowledge to utilize this special salt, ensuring its rarity remained a secret to most.

"Yuu-kun, to produce such a large quantity of this salt, you'd need a vast amount of seawater. How did you manage to gather so much?" Retsu asked, her curiosity piqued by Yun Che's ingenuity.

Yun Che nodded, acknowledging her question. "The sea wall of the Imperial City faces relentless waves, constantly battered by the ocean's force. And you're correct, Little Yue," he added, noticing Cang Yue's realization. "During sunny weather, the seawater evaporates, leaving behind deposits of salt on the wall. I took advantage of these conditions to harvest the Aqua Laguna Salt."

He paused, reflecting on his exploration of the city's sea wall during the girls' training sessions. "In those moments, while you were all training, I took the opportunity to scour the sea wall for treasures. That's when I stumbled upon this shimmering salt, just waiting to be discovered."

"Incredible… to think that the most delicious ingredient for cooking was lying on the wall all this time," Cang Yue spoke with astonishment, marveling at the newfound culinary treasure. Yun Che grinned, recalling his exploration of the city's outskirts while searching for a spot to build his dream home. Despite the comfort and security of Cang Yue's manor, there were moments when he longed for solitude away from the bustling city. Eventually, he found the perfect location to establish his sanctuary.

"And it can restore Profound Energy. Truly remarkable, isn't it? It's astonishing to think that such a potent ingredient remained undiscovered for so long. When I inquired, most people seemed content with ground salt and were unaware of seawater's salt content," Yun Che explained.

"Wow…" Retsu and Mio nodded in amazement, realizing the potential of this new salt to elevate their culinary creations to new heights of flavor.

"Then, you mentioned another ingredient, didn't you? What is it?" Retsu and Mio's curiosity was piqued once more. They recalled Yun Che mentioning two powerful ingredients, and they were eager to learn about the second one.

Yun Che prepared a pot of tea and presented them with sugar cubes. He poured them each a cup and encouraged them to try a sugar cube. As they tasted it, their reactions mirrored their response to the salt, their eyes widening in delight as the exquisite flavor danced on their tongues.

"Umai!!!" Mio and Retsu exclaimed simultaneously, their taste buds dancing in delight at the sweet sensation.

"Nee-sama, what is this tea?" Nemu inquired, her curiosity piqued as she savored the delicious brew.

"This… it's exquisite! The flavor is simply divine," Cang Yue remarked, savoring every sip of the fragrant tea.

"To think a tea could be this delicious, a beverage worthy of Kon-sama!" Kon interjected enthusiastically, earning an amused glance from Yun Che.

"Big sister, the tea is so sweet and delicious!" Mei chimed in, her eyes gleaming with delight.

"It's... such a powerful delicacy. I'm impressed," Mai added, turning to Yuanba for his opinion, surprising the usually quiet young man.

"Uhh.. I... it's delicious," Yuanba stammered, his cheeks flushing at Mai's unexpected question.

"We've had your sweet tea before, but this... this is on another level," Mio remarked, her mind racing to identify the secret behind its extraordinary flavor. However, before she could voice her thoughts, Mai beat her to it.

"So, the ingredient is sugar?" Mai guessed, her eyes lighting up with realization. How could something as simple as sugar enhance the flavor so significantly?

"Exactly," Yun Che confirmed with a grin. "It's sugar made from natural Heaven and Earth sugarcane found along the riverside in the inner lands. Since it doesn't contribute to cultivation, no one bothers with sugarcane. So, I harvested them and turned them into sugar. Plus, it's purely energy sugar, so it won't add to your waistline. Instead, it enhances profound energy, just like the salt."

Retsu and Mio exchanged wide grins, their excitement palpable. Salt and sugar, the cornerstones of cooking, had been elevated to new heights by the Heaven and Earth energies of this world. With these enhanced ingredients, their culinary creations would reach unprecedented levels of flavor and potency. The possibilities seemed endless, and Retsu couldn't wait to experiment with these newfound treasures in the kitchen. These ingredients weren't altered in any way; Yun Che simply uncovered their hidden potential in overlooked places, demonstrating his knack for turning the ordinary into the extraordinary.

As for Mai and Mei, they eagerly anticipated incorporating these new ingredients into their dishes. They were confident that with Yun Che's enhancements, their restaurants would once again attract crowds and earn renown, just as their parents' establishments had done in the past.

Seeing them were delighted, he decided to introduce another recipe. He rolled up his sleeves before making use of the seafood gained during his exploration. From his observation, a lot of people in the Imperial City dislike seafood delicacy. Some don't know how to prepare them well so seafood isn't that famous in the inner parts of the Imperial City other than for cultivation resources.

The girls including Yuanba are bewildered. They tasted Retsu's improved fried rice and Mio's rice balls. What kind of new dishes is Yun Che going to introduce this time?

Using Mio's leftover perfectly cooked rice, he carefully laid out his ingredients his next batch of ingredients from his inventory. Something he prepared when the girls were preparing their today's bentos. Fresh, glossy sheets of nori or umami flavor and a slightly salty taste thin sheets and an array of fillings including tender slices of salmon, creamy avocado, and crunchy cucumber. With practiced hands, he placed a sheet of nori on a bamboo rolling mat, spread a thin layer of rice evenly over it, leaving a small border along the edges. Then, with precision, he arranged his chosen fillings in a neat line at one end of the rice-covered nori. Rolling the bamboo mat tightly, he transformed the ingredients into a compact cylinder, sealing the roll with a final touch of water along the edge of the nori. With a swift motion, Yun Che sliced the roll into bite-sized pieces, revealing the vibrant layers within. Each piece was a miniature masterpiece, a perfect balance of flavors and textures.

"Girls, this is a Sushi dish," Yun Che announced, excitement evident in his voice as he presented a plate of beautifully crafted sushi to Retsu, Mio, Nemu, and Cang Yue. "A combination of raw ingredients and Mio's special rice. It is made with raw seafood ingredients and vegetables."

"Sugoi…" Retsu and Mio exclaimed in awe, their mouths watering at the sight of the colorful sushi. Mio was particularly thrilled that Yun Che had used her leftover onigiri rice as the base ingredient. Meanwhile, Nemu and Cang Yue looked on with curious expressions, eager to taste the culinary creation.

However, before they could dig in, Yun Che halted them. "Wait, to truly enjoy it, you need this." He placed a bottle of black liquid on the counter, introducing them to soy sauce. "One is salty, and the other is sweet."

Then, with practiced precision, Yun Che whisked up another set of ingredients, preparing another element to complete the sushi dish. He held a freshly harvested wasabi rhizome, treating it with utmost care. Under a stream of cold water, he rinsed it gently, ensuring its purity. With his trusty sharkskin grater in hand, Yun Che approached the task with the finesse of an artist, each stroke revealing the rhizome's fiery essence. The pungent aroma filled the air, tantalizing their senses with the promise of culinary delights.

With skillful movements, Yun Che grated the wasabi in a circular motion, coaxing out its flavors. The resulting paste was smooth and velvety, a testament to his expertise. With a moment of quiet reverence, he shaped the wasabi into small, elegant mounds, allowing the flavors to fully develop.

The anticipation in the room was palpable as they awaited the final touch that would elevate the sushi to perfection.

"This is…" The curious expression among his family and friends were unavoidable.

"It's a wasabi. To eat sushi, you needed wasabi, and these soy sauces or your sushi will taste plain." As he spoke, Yun Che demonstrated by putting a bit of Wasabi on the sushi before dipping it in the soy sauce and began eating it. The girls, Yuanba and Kon are amazed before following his methods.

The moment they tasted it, the room was filled with exclamations of delight.

"Umai… Umai!!!!" Retsu and Mio couldn't contain their excitement as they savored the explosion of flavors in their mouths. The Aqua Laguna salt infused within the rice, combined with the rich taste of soy sauce and the fiery kick of wasabi, created a symphony of flavors that danced on their taste buds.

"This is delicious. To think this is made with raw ingredients," Cang Yue marveled, her taste buds tingling with pleasure. Nemu nodded in agreement, her eyes lighting up with each bite she took.

"Big sister! This is the best dish ever!" Mei exclaimed with a mouthful of sushi, her enthusiasm infectious.

"You're right, Mei. This is delicious," Mai concurred, thoroughly enjoying the sushi and the perfect balance of flavors. "How come a raw dish tastes so delicious?"

"Brother-in-law... this is…" Yuanba trailed off, unable to find the words to describe the culinary masterpiece before him, as he eagerly reached for another piece.

"I told you, it's sushi," Yun Che grinned, pride evident in his eyes as he watched his friends and family indulge in his creation.

However, amidst the joyous atmosphere, there was a moment of panic as Kon, curious about the lump of wasabi, decided to taste it directly.

"No.. no! Don't eat it like that…!" Yun Che's warning came too late as Kon's mouth erupted in flames, his eyes widening in shock before he lunged for a barrel of water, desperately seeking relief.

As Kon struggled with the intense spiciness, Retsu, still unaware of wasabi's potency, asked innocently, "Is it really that spicy?"

"Not that much," Mio spoke while enjoying her sushi.

"What the hell was that?!" Kon exclaimed as he emerged from the barrel of water, his face still flushed from the fiery onslaught.

"You're not supposed to eat it like that, you knucklehead. Wasabi is meant for a small taste, mixed with soy sauce, not devoured like some sort of candy," Yun Che chided, trying to stifle a chuckle at Kon's expense.

"Hueh… that thing is spicy. Teme! You're supposed to tell me about this earlier!" Kon protested, his voice tinged with irritation.

"How am I supposed to know you're eating it like that?" Yun Che retorted, unable to resist a grin at Kon's expense. The mishap had turned into an amusing anecdote, adding a touch of humor to their sushi night.

"Danna-sama, seconds!" Mio raised her hand eagerly, her eyes sparkling with delight.

"Me too," Retsu chimed in, her enthusiasm matching Mio's.

"Yuu-sama, more," Nemu requested politely, a hint of eagerness in her tone.

"Brother-in-law, more!" Yuanba couldn't help but join in, his appetite still going strong.

"Big brother, more as well," Mei added, her smile wide and infectious.

"If you don't mind..." Mai's smile was warm as she too asked for more, her appreciation for the delicious meal evident in her eyes. With a smile, Yun Che began a culinary performance that left Mai, Mei, and Yuanba in awe. In his past life, he was accustomed to preparing 100 plates of sushi in just 30 minutes, but with his doubled speed in this world and the assistance of the system, he could now create the same amount in a mere ten minutes. Mai, Mei, and Yuanba watched with wide eyes as Yun Che's hands blurred in a flurry of activity, effortlessly crafting ten different sushi recipes at a breakneck pace. Even the wasabi and soy sauce were expertly prepared to accompany the sushi. However, Yun Che discreetly used the system's Duplication Function to send some sushi to the inner world for Jasmine and the spirits' enjoyment, ensuring they too could savor the delectable dishes.

Yun Che deftly utilized the System's hidden feature, the Duplication Function, to create copies of materials, ingredients, and even food, albeit at a cost of SP. However, Yun Che didn't mind the expenditure, especially when it came to duplicating food, as it only cost 1SP per duplicate. This was a significant saving compared to raw materials and ingredients, which could cost more than 10SP per duplicate.

With this cost-effective method, Yun Che could provide an abundant supply of delicious sushi for his companions to enjoy without worrying about depleting his SP reserves too quickly. It was a testament to his resourcefulness and adaptability, allowing him to cater to their culinary desires while managing his SP expenditure efficiently.

To avoid raising suspicion and to test his own culinary limits without relying solely on the system, Yun Che refrained from using the Duplication Function when it comes to food in the real world. Instead, he focused on pushing himself to prepare as many plates of sushi as possible within the time frame. Meanwhile, Mai, Mei, Yuanba, and his girls eagerly indulged in the feast before them, relishing in the variety of flavors and textures. Retsu and Mio devoured more than twenty plates each in mere minutes, showcasing their voracious appetites. Nemu and Cang Yue savored each bite slowly, savoring the intricate flavors, much like Mai, Mei, and Yuanba. Kon, on the other hand, took his time mixing the wasabi before enjoying his sushi.

To prevent others from repeating Kon's mistake, Yun Che took the initiative to prepare some of the sushi with wasabi already included. He crafted a variety of sushi, each bursting with unique flavors and textures. From delectable combinations like scrambled eggs and seafood to indulgent treats like fried shrimp wrapped in nori, Yun Che spared no effort in creating a culinary feast.

Among the assortment of sushi, there were standouts like Salmon Nishoku and Masago, each eliciting delighted expressions from his companions as they savored the exquisite flavors. Yun Che even experimented with the system's reward of cheese, crafting cheesy sushi delicacies that were an instant hit among the group.

However, it was the fried shrimp sushi that stole the show, quickly becoming a favorite among them all. The crispy exterior paired with the succulent shrimp inside was an irresistible combination, earning Yun Che nods of approval and eager requests for more from his delighted companions.

Their expressions of culinary delight were unmistakable as they savored each mouthful. With the addition of Yun Che's enhanced salt and sugar, the sushi surpassed any they had ever tasted before, becoming a culinary masterpiece that left them craving for more.

Yun Che was enjoying preparing food for his friends and family and seeing their delighted expression was enough to show he really enjoyed his role in preparing sushi for them. Despite only preparing ten types of sushi, he was delighted to prepare them.

After devouring an astonishing 100 plates of sushi each, Mai, Mei, and Yuanba were left dumbfounded, their jaws practically hitting the floor in disbelief. They couldn't fathom how Retsu and Mio managed to consume such a staggering amount, enough to put even the most seasoned sushi chefs to shame. If they were to visit a modern sushi restaurant, they'd either become its most prized patrons or risk being politely asked to leave due to their insatiable appetites.

"Ufuu… that was indeed delicious. Yuu-kun, please teach me the recipe when we get home." With satisfied smiles, Retsu expressed her gratitude and eagerness to learn the sushi recipes from Yun Che once they returned home. The thought of preparing sushi herself filled her with excitement, though she understood the importance of moderation to preserve their appreciation for the dish.

"If Ret-chan's learning, I am joining as well," Mio declared with enthusiasm. She and Retsu basically engaged in a friendly competition to see who could devour the most plates, demonstrating their bottomless stomachs and their love for sushi.

Mai managed a respectable eight plates, while her younger sister trailed slightly behind with five. They began helping Yun Che in washing plates as he prepared them in hyper speed just to feed Retsu and Mio.

Yuanba ate 30 plates. Kon and Cang Yue ate 20 plates and that was it. Nemu ate 50 plates before giving up. She admired her elder sister and Mio for having the capability to eat 100 plates each. These two are basically gluttons. 

"Mio-chan, you and Retsu-chan are unbelievable! How can you eat so much?" Mai exclaimed, still in awe of their incredible appetites.

Retsu chuckled. "Well, we just really love sushi, don't we?"

Mio nodded vigorously, her cheeks flushed with excitement. "That's right! And Yuu-kun's sushi is the best we've ever had!"

"Or more like the first time you ever had," Yun Che remarked with a grin. He had his fill as well, having sampled his creations as he prepared them, but he was still astonished by the girls' seemingly bottomless appetites. It was a testament to his culinary skills and their love for his cooking.

"I'll help out Nee-sama in the future. Please teach me as well," Nemu requested, eager to learn the art of sushi-making from Yun Che to help her older sister.

"If you don't mind, I wish to learn as well. I want to make it myself and have big sis and father taste it," Cang Yue added with a smile. She saw this as an opportunity to expand her culinary repertoire and share delicious meals with her loved ones.

"Can we sell the sushi here?" Mai asked, intrigued by the idea of adding sushi to their menu and expanding their business. She saw the potential in Yun Che's recipes and wanted to capitalize on it.

"If you want to sell sushi, you might want to relocate your shop to the northwest side of the city near the harbor. You'll have easier access to seafood there," Yun Che suggested, offering practical advice to Mai.

Mai considered his suggestion carefully. Selling sushi could be a lucrative venture, but it required the right location. She appreciated Cang Yue's offer to help her find a new place and nodded in agreement. However, a new place meant new challenges. The Black Lotus Clan might be no more in this area because of Yun Che, Yuanba and Kon but not the other areas.

"Yuanba can accompany and fly you two tomorrow to search for a new place," Yun Che suggested, nudging Yuanba with a playful smile.

"Me?" Yuanba stammered in surprise, his cheeks flushing at the thought of spending time alone with Mai. He couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement at the prospect.

"Of course, who else?" Yun Che grinned, silently signaling to Yuanba that he had an important task tomorrow.

"But, this place is my parents' shop. We can't just leave it," Mai and Mei expressed their concern with a hint of sadness in their voices.

Cang Yue gently patted Mai's head. "You don't have to sell it. Just open up a new shop and come back here once in a while since you have a lot of patrons here as well. Only if you decide to sell sushi, then you can start looking for a new place."

"I'll sell the Special Soba, Fried Rice, and those rice balls from Retsu-san and Mio-san for now. If we save enough, we might turn our attention to the sushi business. But, if Yuanba doesn't mind accompanying us to the harbor area tomorrow to scout out for a new place, it'll be great," Mai suggested, her cheeks lightly flushed as she started to use the honorifics she learned by listening to them.

Seizing the opportunity, Kon patted Yuanba's head teasingly. "Oi, lackey! You won't mind accompanying them tomorrow, right?"

"I… I.. I am free tomorrow," Yuanba stammered, his heart racing at the thought of spending the day with Mai and Mei.

"Really? Thank you so much, Yuanba," Mai expressed her gratitude, confirming that both she and Mei would be under his care.

"Thank you, big bulky brother!" Mei exclaimed happily beside Yun Che.

"It's... a….. pleasure," Yuanba managed to say, his cheeks reddening as he glanced sideways. He tried to hide his embarrassment as Retsu and the others chuckled at his reaction. Yun Che gave him a playful nudge, silently encouraging him.

Mai paused, her expression turning serious. "My parents' shop is our inheritance, but that doesn't mean we'll stay here forever. I still want to pursue my dreams of becoming a cultivator. But, we are afraid of one thing."

"What is it?" Yuanba asked, his protective instincts kicking in as he prepared to listen to her concerns.

"You and Yun Che might have taken down the Black Lotus Clan, but the harbour is surely infested with another group of bad people. They might try to harm us," Mai expressed her worry with a concerned tone.

Cang Yue patted her head reassuringly. "Oh, don't worry about that. From now on, your shop is under the protection of the Imperial Family. If anyone dares to mess with you, I might personally pay them a visit and teach them a lesson. I'll even ask my big sister for help."

"Big sister?" Mai questioned, her curiosity piqued, but Cang Yue dropped a bombshell. "You know Imperial Protector Xue Ling. Her word is law in this city, alongside me and the emperor."

"Im… Imperial Protector Xue Ling?! Under the protection of Princess Cang Yue?!" Mai's eyes widened in disbelief. She had heard of Imperial Protector Xue Ling—a figure known as one of the most powerful cultivators in the Empire. The realization that Cang Yue was willing to protect her was overwhelming. Just yesterday, she was a nobody chef being bullied and tossed around.

"Ehee… yes, Mai. You and your sister are friends of the Imperial Family. Not to mention, we are your patrons and friends," Cang Yue reassured her, her smile warm and genuine, echoed by the nods and smiles of the others.

"We'll invest in your new shop. Consider it a sign of the good friendship between us," Yun Che offered before Mio chimed in, "I'll come by and eat here with Ret-chan and Nemu-chan. Yue'er can come with her sister and father if she wants to."

Mai was left speechless, the thought of one day having the emperor and the Imperial Protector dine in her restaurant leaving her in shock.

"Yun Che, Retsu, Mio, Nemu, and Cang Yue. You too, Yuanba and Kon. From the bottom of our hearts, my sister and I thank all of you. Thank you for helping both of us. In just two days, all of you have changed our lives," Mai expressed her gratitude, bowing deeply alongside her sister.

Mei followed suit, bowing her head respectfully. "Thank you, big brothers and sisters."

"You two are our friends. Anyone who is our friend will be protected by us. Count on it," Yun Che reassured them with a warm smile, echoed by the nods of agreement from the others.

Together, they began to help Mai and Mei clean up, while Yun Che stocked up on raw materials for their shop and handed over the spoils from the Black Lotus Clan to assist them. Mai could rest assured knowing that Yun Che had used his new barrier technique to protect her shop from anyone with ill intentions. With the addition of the new sugar and salt as new ingredients, Mai's shop was sure to attract swarms of customers when she opened tomorrow.

Yun Che returned Mai's stolen coins with a solemn smile, watching as relief flooded her expression, followed swiftly by gratitude that seemed to overflow from the depths of her heart. For Mai and Mei, those coins were more than just currency—they were the lifeline she needed to breathe new life into their beloved restaurant, to transform it into a beacon of hope and prosperity for her district.

He handed them to Mai with a flourish, his voice filled with quiet determination. "Consider it an investment," he said, his gaze unwavering. "A chance to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most."

Mai's eyes widened in astonishment as she grasped the weight of Yun Che's gesture. These coins, once tainted by greed and deceit, were now a gift—a second chance to right the wrongs of the past, to build a brighter future for her district and all who called it home. She can renovate her parents' restaurant and might hire a few workers to help her out. She realized she couldn't serve hundreds of people with her sister alone so these coins would help her recruit more helpers.

After helping Mai restock and replace her broken utensils, Yun Che and the others prepared to depart, looking forward to a day off of fun tomorrow. "Big brother, please come again tomorrow. Mei will make the best dessert for you," Mai invited warmly.

"I'll definitely drop by, Mei-chan," Yun Che chimed in, ruffling Mei's hair affectionately.

Mai bowed her head gratefully, expressing her heartfelt thanks to Yun Che. "Thank you for rescuing me, Yun Che. This is the first time someone cared so much for me and my sister," she said, her sincerity evident.

"It was all Yuanba. He charged headfirst to rescue you. I just helped him find you and your sister," Yun Che deflected the praise, giving Yuanba credit to boost his standing with Mai.

"It was?" Yuanba almost protested, but Yun Che gave him a friendly shove, prompting him to play along.

Mai looked at Yuanba with adoration, causing him to blush. "*Giggle… I guess you really are my prince, Yuanba," she said, making his heart flutter.

"Well, I guess I better earn that title on my own, Mai," Yuanba replied with a grin, feeling a newfound determination to be worthy of her admiration.

"You will eventually. If you don't mind, will you tell me stories about the tournament? I wish to know about your battles," Mai asked, her eagerness evident.

Yun Che smirked, recognizing the obvious hints Mai was dropping for Yuanba. "But I have to…" Yuanba began to decline, but Kon and Yun Che simultaneously smacked his head.

"Get the hint, lackey!" Kon shouted.

"*sigh… Why don't you stay here and watch over her restaurant for the night? I'm sure you have loads to tell her," Yun Che encouraged, sensing an opportunity for Yuanba.

"But, brother-in-law…" Yuanba hesitated, feeling embarrassed to be alone with Mai, but Yun Che urged him on. "Shut up and just talk to her, or you might regret this moment in the future."

Yun Che gave him a grin and thumbs up before joining his girls in flight, reminiscent of the scene where Hiccup encourages Toothless to pursue his mate.

"They both looked so cute together," Retsu commented, her heart warmed by the budding romance. Finding love in life was a beautiful thing, just as she had found hers with Yun Che. Standing by his side, she held his hand and linked her arm through his.

"Ufuu… Love is a mysterious thing, Ret-chan…" Mio fanned herself, feeling a flutter of excitement. Nemu and Cang Yue nodded in agreement, silently cheering Yuanba on. They all believed he deserved happiness and to step out of Yun Che's shadow.

Yun Che joined them, adding with a smirk, "Finally, someone like him found a girl. He doesn't even have a love life in the real novel."

"Yun Che, I've been meaning to ask. Why did you say something like it's not like the real novel? What's a novel?" Cang Yue inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Oh… uhh… it's nothing. More like an intended reference from something like the reports of the Dead Spirit Realm didn't tally with what I've read and what I've experienced. Something like that," Yun Che replied vaguely, concealing the truth.

"I see…" With that, they all returned to their accommodations for the night, wearing satisfied smiles. Retsu and Mio were particularly excited about the enhanced salt and sugar they had discovered, eager to experiment with them in their cooking. They couldn't wait to return home and try out the Aqua Laguna Salt and Super Sweet Sugar to enhance the flavor of their dishes.

Yuanba decided to stay and accompany Mai for the night, but not without a stern warning from Yun Che. He made it clear that any inappropriate behavior towards Mai would result in serious consequences. At first, Yuanba thought Yun Che was joking, but the seriousness in his eyes told him otherwise.

However, Yuanba knew himself well enough to understand that he was not that kind of guy. He had always respected women, and Mai and Mei were in safe hands with him. Still, he couldn't help but feel a bit nervous about being alone with Mai, especially with the weight of Yun Che's warning hanging over him.

Excitedly, Yuanba began recounting his tournament stories to Mai, who listened attentively, her eyes sparkling with interest. As he narrated his battles and triumphs, Yuanba felt a surge of confidence. Perhaps Mai could take a day off with Mei and come watch him fight in the tournament. Having her support would undoubtedly boost his morale and motivation and Mei is only looking at Yun Che.

To Yuanba's surprise, Mai seemed genuinely interested in his stories, asking questions and offering words of encouragement. As they talked, Yuanba couldn't help but notice how her smile brightened his mood, making him feel like he could conquer any challenge that came his way.

As the night wore on, Yuanba realized that he was starting to feel a deep admiration for Mai. She had become more than just a friend; she was someone he looked up to and cherished. As they continued to talk and laugh together, Yuanba couldn't shake the feeling that he had found something truly special in Mai, something worth fighting for other than his Blue Wind Profound Palace.

Yun Che and his flock soared through the skies with their wings, They observed Yuanba and Mai from above, their hearts filled with a mix of concern and hope. Despite the hardships they faced, love seemed to blossom between them—a beacon of warmth in the darkness.

"You think they'll be okay?" Kon's voice broke the silence as he perched on Yun Che's shoulders.

Yun Che shrugged, his gaze fixed on the scene below. "Let him cook. Sometimes, all someone needs is love to keep them going."

"Wait, is Junior brother Yuanba going to cook for her?" Cang Yue's curiosity sparked as she glanced down at the unfolding situation.

"I wonder what he'll make." Mio's interest was piqued, her thoughts already drifting to the culinary possibilities.

"Mio-neesama, I don't think that's what Yun-sama meant," Nemu interjected with her usual calm demeanor.

"I'm not sure either, Nemu-chan," Retsu chimed in, her hand gently patting her sister's head.

Yun Che's sighs hinted at his deeper understanding as he watched Yuanba with his keen senses. It wasn't about cooking in the literal sense, but rather about nurturing something meaningful between them. As they continued on their journey back to the Heavenly Sword Villa, Yun Che silently wished Yuanba luck in his budding relationship with Mai. After all, some things were better left to the mysteries of the heart.


As they returned to their accommodations, Mio eagerly offered to prepare supper after everyone had a chance to freshen up. Kon went back into the inner world to take a dip in the hot spring.

"Why don't you girls freshen up first? I have some plans to observe a few things and explore a bit," Yun Che suggested, his mind already set on his tasks. He didn't need their help for this particular trip but appreciated their concern.

"Would you like us to accompany you, Yuu-kun?" Retsu inquired, always ready to offer assistance despite knowing Yun Che's capabilities.

"No need for that. I'll just be observing from afar and exploring the Demon Sealing Area. Just need to prepare and keep an eye out for a while," Yun Che explained, emphasizing his intention to avoid trouble and simply gather information. "Besides, my ladies here needed their beauty rest."

"Understood. Please take care," Retsu replied, trusting in Yun Che's judgment to stay out of trouble.

"Hurry back, Danna-sama! I'm excited to make some special Karage Onigiri for supper," Mio chimed in, her enthusiasm evident as she looked forward to using their new ingredients in cooking. They were even more excited to eat, knowing that the new ingredients not only made their meals delicious but also restored their energy without adding to their waistlines. Not that they minded since their figures are preserved by the system.

"Even after 100 plates of sushis, fried rice and onigiri, you're still hungry?" Yun Che teased, amused by Mio's insatiable appetite.

"Ufuu… Supper is different, Danna-sama. Your sushi is so delicious, I can't help but want to try those new ingredients." Mio replied, her eyes shining with excitement. Indeed, Mio's love for sushi was legendary since he introduced them tonight, and she wouldn't hesitate to indulge whenever the opportunity arose. Retsu and Nemu shared her sentiment, eagerly anticipating the delicious meal that awaited them.

"Ara… I can't help but agree with Mio-chan, Yuu-kun. I'll help her out by preparing a small supper for us," Retsu chimed in, eager to try her hand at making the karage just like Yun Che taught her. Perhaps they could even introduce the dish to Mai and Mei later, adding to their newly established restaurant. They dreamed of incorporating these new flavors into Lin Xin's Japanese Restaurant back in the sanctuary, where curry rice and miso soup were already popular. Yun Che had generously shared ten basic Japanese recipes for her to explore.

"I can help prepare the ingredients, Nee-sama," Nemu offered, knowing they could obtain any necessary materials from the system as long as they had sufficient points to exchange for them.

"I appreciate it, Nemu-chan," Retsu replied, affectionately patting Nemu's head.

"You girls really can eat so much. I felt full after my twentieth plate, but you two can eat almost or more than 100 plates and Nemu could eat 50," Cang Yue remarked, impressed by Retsu, Mio, and Nemu's appetites.

"Well, it can't be helped, Little Yue. Preparing them was fun. Twenty is considered a lot, you know," Yun Che grinned, recalling the joy of creating the sushi and other dishes for tonight's meal. The addition of the new salt and sugar had indeed been a lifesaver.

"Ehee… You're not only the man we love, but you're also basically the only man who can satisfy our appetites when it comes to food," Cang Yue remarked, her grin speaking volumes. Indeed, Yun Che had become not just their fiancé but also the sole chef capable of fulfilling their culinary desires. No other man could replicate his knowledge, skills, or unique flavors.

"Ehee… He's the only man who can feed all of us. I've tried lots of restaurant foods, but none of them compared to Danna-sama's cooking. There's a uniqueness to his handmade products, something even we can't recreate," Mio added, her admiration evident as she reflected on Yun Che's culinary prowess. Retsu nodded in agreement, acknowledging her own skills but recognizing the special touch Yun Che brought to their meals.

"You girls praise me too much. You both have your own unique food taste as well. Please keep cooking for our small family. I'll keep cooking for my girls as long as I live," Yun Che replied warmly, patting their heads affectionately.

"Aww… Please keep cooking for us forever." Retsu spoke as if she couldn't wait to learn more about his unique recipes.

As Yun Che prepared to depart, he was met with a flurry of affection from Retsu, Mio, Nemu, and Cang Yue. Their hugs and kisses left him feeling both touched and slightly flustered, but he couldn't help but smile at their overwhelming affection.

"Girls, please, it's only a short trip," Yun Che chuckled, trying to calm their enthusiasm.

"Never!" They replied in unison, their determination evident in their voices. It was clear that their love for him knew no bounds.

Yun Che sighed, patting each of their heads affectionately. "I'll finish up quickly and come straight back here for supper."

With promises to return soon, Yun Che bid them farewell and vanished into the mountains. With determination in his heart, Yun Che vanished into the rugged terrain of the mountains. His mind buzzed with plans as he plotted his next move. First, a brief observation of his surroundings to ensure he wasn't being followed. Then, it was straight to the Demon Sealing Zone to unravel the mysteries of the ancient formation that had piqued his interest.

A mischievous smirk played on his lips as he detected the presence of an unseen observer. Without missing a beat, Yun Che boldly gestured with his middle finger in their direction, a silent warning to any who dared to challenge him.

If anyone dared to threaten him or his loved ones, Yun Che was prepared to use whatever means necessary to ensure their safety. After all, he wasn't afraid to wield his powers, even if it meant resorting to unconventional methods.

With his resolve steeled and his senses sharp, Yun Che disappeared from view, his thoughts consumed by the secrets that awaited him within the depths of the Demon Sealing Zone.


Observing from afar, Ling Yun gritted his teeth. He might need to pursue his plans of getting rid of Yun Che if he wanted those three goddesses. He might consider taking Cang Yue as a concubine if he can control her. Maybe he can ask for secrets on how his father controls his mother to make her docile.

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