Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

Chapter 189: The Damsel Frozen in Time

Chapter 189: The Damsel Frozen in Time


That night after the end of the second day.



"Get out!" Yufeng's voice thundered through the room as she unleashed a blast of energy from her palm, sending Ling Yuefeng stumbling backwards out of her chamber.

"My wife, why are you acting like this? I just wanted to talk to you," Ling Yuefeng protested, but Yufeng was adamant. She had made up her mind never to trust his words again.

"I said get out! I have barred you from entering my room. Now, get out!" Yufeng's tone brooked no argument as she slammed the door shut, leaving Ling Yuefeng bewildered and troubled outside.

"Father, what have you done with Mother?" Ling Yun's voice cut through the tension as he approached his father. His mother's uncharacteristic behavior left him deeply concerned. She had always treated his father with utmost respect and kindness like he was her king, but today, everything had changed.

"I don't know, she's been acting odd since this morning. I've never seen her so angry before, not in twenty-three years of our marriage," Ling Yuefeng confessed, his worry evident. Suddenly, a realization dawned on him, and his expression turned to dread. "No… could be… It's supposed to last forever,"

"Father?" Ling Yun's confusion deepened as he watched his father's reaction.

"I need to check something," Ling Yuefeng muttered, his mind racing with troubling thoughts. Without another word, he hurried off, leaving Ling Yun to puzzle over the situation.

"Big brother… What's going on? I heard a loud noise," Ling Jie's voice interrupted as he rushed over to join them. Ling Yun shook his head, his concern mirrored in his eyes as they both gazed at their mother's closed door.

"It's nothing, Ling Jie. Mother seems to be in a bad mood. We should leave her alone for now," Ling Yun explained, his voice tinged with uncertainty. Ling Jie nodded, though he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that hung in the air. They decided to steer clear of their mother's wrath, a force even their father seemed unable to quell.

After a while, a servant approached the chamber door, carrying a small sack. She hesitated for a moment, then rapped gently. "Mistress, it's me, Li Xuan… Can I come in?"

Yufeng, still reeling from her earlier confrontation with her husband, took a deep breath before replying, "Li Xuan… Yes, please, come in."

Li Xuan entered cautiously, concern etched on her face. "Mistress…" Her voice trailed off, not wanting to pry but unable to hide her worry.

Yufeng managed a small smile, trying to reassure her loyal attendant. "It's nothing. So, is there anything I can help you with?"

Li Xuan glanced at the sack she carried, then back at Yufeng, her curiosity evident. "The metal you requested is here. May I ask why you asked for these things? You've never shown interest in such matters before."

Yufeng's smile widened slightly, masking her true intentions. "Ah, it's something I wish to experiment on," she replied cryptically, hoping to deflect any further questions.

Li Xuan raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced by the vague explanation. "I see," she said slowly, though her expression suggested she was still puzzled.

"You seem like you wanted to ask me something," Yufeng observed, sensing the unspoken question in Li Xuan's demeanor.

"I… No, it is not my place," Li Xuan responded, hesitatingly shaking her head.

"Li Xuan, you're my attendant. If I've ever been harsh or unkind to you, please forgive me," Yufeng said, bowing her head in a gesture of humility.

Li Xuan, taken aback by her mistress's unexpected apology, quickly stepped forward to stop her. "Mistress… It is not proper for you to bow to your servants," she insisted, her eyes wide with surprise. This sudden display of humility was a stark departure from the mistress she had known for so long.

"Mistress… For as long as I've known you, I admit I have feared your temper, especially towards the female servants. To see you apologize and bow your head to us… it is truly a remarkable change," Li Xuan remarked as she guided Yufeng to sit down.

"As if I have awoken from a terrible dream, I am not the same person I was before," Yufeng confessed with a small smile, her eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and uncertainty.

"Mistress, what has happened between you and Master? You were always so devoted to him, following him dutifully. Now…" Li Xuan's voice trailed off, her confusion evident.

Yufeng sighed, her gaze drifting away as she struggled to find the right words. "I don't fully understand it myself, Li Xuan. It's as though I have been living in a fog, and only now am I starting to see clearly. I am no longer the obedient wife I once was. I am still trying to make sense of it all."

"Docile?" Li Xuan repeated, a hint of disbelief in her tone.

"There's a distinction between love and docility, Li Xuan. Though I have no concrete proof, I am certain of where I stand now," Yufeng explained, her voice tinged with a newfound determination.

"I see…" Li Xuan nodded, beginning to grasp the complexity of her mistress's transformation.

"Li Xuan, I would like to be alone for a while. Could you please leave me?" Yufeng requested, her expression reflecting a mix of weariness and resolve.

"Of course, Mistress. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call upon me," Li Xuan replied softly, before silently exiting the room, leaving Yufeng to contemplate the tumultuous changes that had swept through her life.


As Li Xuan departed from her chambers, Xuanyuan Yufeng grappled with the harsh reality that had enveloped her since the morning. This was no mere illusion, no fleeting dream to be shrugged off at dawn's light. It was a stark truth she had to confront, a reality that demanded her attention and resilience. Determined to unravel the mysteries of her altered state, she resolved to uncover the truth behind her husband's manipulations.

Yet, amidst her determination, a disquieting realization gnawed at her consciousness. She possessed knowledge and skills that felt foreign yet familiar, as if they had been implanted into her mind without her consent. It was a perplexing sensation, like pieces of a puzzle scattered across her thoughts, waiting to be pieced together. With a sack of metals procured by her attendant, Li Xuan, Yufeng embarked on a clandestine investigation, carefully examining the contents for clues.

Throughout the day's tournament, where her sons made their mark on the arena, Yufeng remained consumed by her own inner turmoil. Her focus was unwavering, her mind fixated on deciphering the intricate diagrams that danced behind her eyes. Ignoring the spectacle unfolding before her, she delved deeper into her thoughts, determined to translate the enigmatic knowledge within her mind into tangible reality.

However, amidst the bustling arena and the flurry of matches, one individual captured her keen interest: Yun Che. His name resonated in her mind like an echo, persistent and unyielding. There was something about him that intrigued her deeply, yet try as she might, she couldn't place him in any of her memories. It was as if he existed in a realm separate from her recollections, yet his presence drew her attention like a magnet. She found herself watching his matches with a growing sense of curiosity, unable to tear her gaze away.

Returning home, the urgency of her quest only intensified. With meticulous precision, she began sketching out plans for a complex mechanism, each stroke of her feather pen guided by an inexplicable intuition. It was a revelation both awe-inspiring and unsettling, as she grappled with the implications of possessing knowledge she could not account for.

However, her solitude was interrupted by the arrival of her husband, whose presence stirred a tumult of conflicting emotions within her. Memories of his past transgressions loomed large in her mind, fueling a simmering resentment that threatened to boil over. Instead of engaging in a futile confrontation, Yufeng dismissed him with a firm resolve, asserting her autonomy as the daughter of the ninth elder of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region.

Alone once more, Yufeng wrestled with the weight of her newfound knowledge, guarding its secrets closely as she ventured deeper into the labyrinth of her own mind.

She marvelled at the complex designs drawn in her sketches. Then, a thought came to her mind.

"How do I know how to create this thing? And why?" Xuanyuan Yufeng murmured to herself, grappling with the sudden influx of unfamiliar knowledge that had taken root in her mind. It was a perplexing puzzle, one that begged for answers she could not readily provide. Was it a gift from her sacred ground, or a curse veiled in the guise of enlightenment? The questions swirled in her thoughts, elusive and enigmatic.

Undeterred by the mystery shrouding her newfound skills, Yufeng resolved to harness them in pursuit of the truth. With a steely determination, she gathered the necessary materials from the villa's blacksmith—a symphony of fine steel, sturdy brass, and supple leather, each component an integral part of the enigmatic mechanism taking shape in her mind.

Alone in her room, Yufeng embarked on a clandestine endeavor, her hands moving with a precision born of instinct as she shaped metal and assembled gears with uncanny proficiency. Despite the oddity of her behavior, she was consumed by an inexplicable urgency, driven by an inner voice compelling her forward.

As the hours slipped by unnoticed, Yufeng's creation began to materialize before her eyes—a testament to her skill and determination. The mechanism hummed with life, a symphony of gears and pulleys orchestrated by her deft touch. With a mixture of awe and disbelief, she marveled at her own unfinished handiwork, astonished by the seamless fusion of mechanical components she had effortlessly assembled despite not knowing where such knowledge came from.

With her creation finally complete, Yufeng's hands trembled slightly as she affixed the mechanism to a leather band before binding it to her left wrist. It was a tangible manifestation of her newfound abilities, a symbol of her determination to confront the challenges ahead. Standing before a mirror, she watched with nervous breath as the hidden blade sprang forth at the flick of her wrist—a silent sentinel poised to carve a path through the shadows of her past.

"What is this thing, and how do I know how to create it?" Xuanyuan Yufeng whispered to herself in awe, her fingers tracing the intricate contours of the mechanism strapped to her wrist. The device responded to her touch with a silent efficiency that both fascinated and unsettled her, its purpose shrouded in mystery.

As she pondered the creation before her, her keen senses caught a flicker of movement outside the window. With a silent determination, Yufeng approached the window and peered into the darkness, her heart quickening as she glimpsed her husband slipping away under the cloak of night. If she were to unravel the secrets of her past, she knew she must first confront the shadows that lurked within her own home.

Turning away from her opulent surroundings, Yufeng made a swift decision. In a bold departure from her usual attire, she reached for a simple white fabric with a crimson lining, fashioning it into a makeshift cloak to conceal her identity. With the cloak draped over her shoulders and the hood pulled low over her features, she felt a surge of empowerment, as if shedding the trappings of her former life and embracing a new identity.

With silent determination, Yufeng slipped out into the night, her movements swift and purposeful as she navigated the rooftops with the grace of a shadow. Beneath the pale glow of the moon, she became a phantom in the night, her cloak billowing behind her as she pursued her husband, each step bringing her closer to the truth she sought.


"My wife, what happened to you?" Ling Yuefeng wondered, his heart heavy with concern as he confronted his wife's sudden change in demeanor. She had always been gentle and accommodating, but now her behavior was laced with spite, a stark departure from the woman he had known for years.

As he mulled over her inexplicable transformation, a chilling realization crept over him like a shadow. The word echoed in his mind, sending a shiver down his spine: "Docile."

The memories flooded back with a sickening clarity, and Ling Yuefeng's face paled in horror. "No, it couldn't be..." he murmured, his mind racing with implications. If his suspicions were true, then the consequences could be dire indeed. He knew all too well the power of the potion he had once used to subdue his wife, and the thought of its effects resurfacing filled him with dread.

Without hesitation, Ling Yuefeng darted to his private quarters, his heart hammering in his chest. "Fairy Chu Yuechan destroyed the last bottle," he recalled with a sense of desperation. "But if she knew about it, then others may as well. I cannot let this secret be exposed."

Frantically scouring his collection of ancient tomes and forbidden scrolls, Ling Yuefeng finally unearthed the hidden chest that contained the key to his salvation—or damnation. With trembling hands, he retrieved the parchment bearing the instructions and ingredients for concocting the potion once more, his resolve hardening with each passing moment.

"I have to do this," he muttered to himself, his voice laced with a mixture of determination and regret. "For the sake of my position within the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, and the preservation of our marriage."

With a heavy heart, Ling Yuefeng set his plan into motion, dispatching messages to his informant and courier in haste. Time was of the essence, and he knew he had to act swiftly before the truth could unravel before his very eyes.

As the hours passed and the night enveloped the world in darkness, Ling Yuefeng stole away into the shadows, oblivious to the silent figure that trailed him from above, their presence unnoticed in the cloak of night.


"What could cause its effect to dwindle? Could it be why she passed out last night?" Ling Yuefeng's mind raced with questions as he hurried through the forest, his footsteps echoing in the silence of the night. Doubt gnawed at his thoughts, threatening to unravel the carefully constructed web of deception he had woven around his wife.

"No, it couldn't be," he muttered to himself, his voice tinged with desperation. "The effects were meant to be permanent. He said so."

With each step, Ling Yuefeng's resolve solidified into a steely determination. He had to act quickly to rectify the situation, to ensure that his wife remained under his control. The consequences of her awakening to the truth were too dire to contemplate.

Finally, he reached the secluded clearing where he had arranged to meet his courier. As the shadowy figure emerged from the darkness, Ling Yuefeng's heart pounded with anticipation.

"Do you have it?" he demanded, his voice betraying his urgency.

The courier nodded solemnly, presenting the precious ingredients needed to concoct the potion once more. Ling Yuefeng's fingers trembled as he accepted the bundle, knowing all too well the scarcity of these vital components.

"This is the last batch," the courier cautioned. "I cannot provide another for years to come. You understand the rarity of these ingredients."

Ling Yuefeng nodded curtly, his mind already racing with plans for their use. With a final exchange of payment, he turned and disappeared into the night, leaving the courier to fade back into the shadows.

However, as the courier began to depart, a white-cloaked figure leaped from the trees, blocking their path with an aura of silent menace.

"You, who are you?" the courier demanded, their voice tinged with apprehension.

The cloaked warrior remained silent, her features obscured by the darkness of her hood. With a fluid grace, she launched into action, her movements showing the prowess of a seasoned fighter. The courier, taken aback by her unexpected assault, found themselves locked in a deadly dance of blades and shadows, their fate hanging precariously in the balance.

The tension in the clearing crackled like lightning as the courier and the cloaked figure faced off, their profound auras clashing in an invisible struggle for dominance. With a surge of power, the courier unleashed his Fifth Level Sky Profound Realm, a testament to his formidable skill. But his confidence waned as the cloaked shadow matched his display, her own aura resonating with the power of a Fifth Level Emperor Profound Realm.

"You… what do you want from me?!" the courier demanded, his voice tinged with fear as he realized the magnitude of his opponent's strength. Yet, before he could react, the cloaked figure surged forward, her movements swift and deadly. With a deft maneuver, she disarmed him with a skillful technique, leaving him defenseless against her onslaught.

A powerful palm strike sent the courier hurtling backwards, his body crashing into a nearby tree with a sickening thud. Blood welled in his mouth as he struggled to rise, his Sky Profound Realm no match for the might of a throne.

"Please… please…" he pleaded, his voice choked with pain and desperation as he sought mercy from his assailant.

But there was no mercy to be found in the eyes of the cloaked figure as she advanced, her left wrist flicking to reveal a gleaming blade beneath the moonlight. With a swift motion, she pressed the sharp edge of the blade against the courier's throat, her gaze cold and unyielding.

"What is he planning?" she demanded, her voice laced with urgency as she sought answers from her captive.

The courier's eyes widened in recognition as he peered beneath the hood, his breath catching in his throat. It was none other than Xuanyuan Yufeng, the Villa Mistress herself, dressed in white with crimson lining, her hidden blade poised at his throat like a silent executioner.

"Speak! Heavens as my witness, I will cut your throat. Now, what did you deliver to him?" she threatened, her voice a deadly whisper that sent shivers down his spine.

"He… he needed materials to craft the Eternal Love Potion. That's all I know," the courier replied fearfully, his voice trembling with apprehension.

"Eternal Love Potion? What is that?" Yufeng demanded, her tone sharp as she sought answers.

"I don't know. He just needed the materials. I am scouring the empire to find them and deliver them to him. That's all I know," the courier pleaded, desperation evident in his voice.

"I see…" Yufeng nodded tersely, her mind racing with newfound knowledge.

"So, you'll let me go?" the courier asked hopefully, but Yufeng's response was swift and merciless. In an instant, she drove the blade under his chin, ending his life with a swift and precise strike.

Moments later, the courier's body lay lifeless on the ground, his existence wiped away with a flick of Yufeng's wrist. She stood in silence under the moonlight, grappling with the realization of what she had just done. She had taken a life without hesitation, without remorse. It was a chilling revelation that left her feeling numb and disconnected from herself.

As she pondered her actions, questions swirled in her mind. How had she gained such proficiency in combat techniques and martial arts? How did she know how to wield the hidden blade with such deadly precision? And what was the significance of the Eternal Love Potion that her husband sought to craft?

Shaking off her unsettling thoughts, Yufeng focused on her next course of action. She remembered her conversation with Li Xuan earlier that day, recalling the mention of Fairy Chu Yuechan and the Frozen Cloud Asgard. Something about their encounter stirred a sense of familiarity within her, as if she had crossed paths with this mysterious woman before.

With determination in her heart, Yufeng set out towards the quarters of the tournament participants, her mind set on unraveling the mysteries that surrounded her. Deep down, she sensed that Fairy Chu Yuechan was not her enemy, but rather a key to unlocking the truth behind the secrets that plagued her existence.


Yufeng arrived at the Frozen Cloud Asgard's quarters with a demeanor that contrasted sharply with her usual arrogance. Approaching the quarters, she spoke with a surprising level of courtesy, bowing her head in respect. "Villa Mistress, Xuanyuan Yufeng seeks an audience with Chu Yuechan."

The guardian disciple, taken aback by Yufeng's polite manner, hesitated before responding. "Villa Mistress? I am sorry, my lady. The Asgard Mistress dictates that no one can see anyone from the Asgard."

Yufeng remained composed, her polite demeanor unwavering. "Not even for a moment?" she inquired, her tone respectful as she considered her options.

Before the guardian disciple could respond, a presence approached from behind her. It was Chu Yuechan herself.

"It is fine," Chu Yuechan interjected, her voice calm and composed as she addressed Yufeng directly. "Fairy Chu Yuechan."

Observing the interaction, Yufeng noted the lack of animosity from Chu Yuechan compared to her encounter with Ling Yuefeng the night before. Though Yufeng harbored no remorse, she was merely curious to speak with Chu Yuechan. Sensing an opportunity to potentially learn more about Ling Yuefeng, she decided to engage with her.

"Leave us," Chu Yuechan instructed the guardian disciple, who obediently stepped aside.

Yufeng then made a polite request, her demeanor remaining calm and composed as she removed her hood. Although Yufeng's appearance was striking, it paled in comparison to Chu Yuechan's ethereal beauty. It was like comparing a mortal woman to a goddess of the heavens; there was at least a difference of one hundred and eight thousand miles between them. However, Yufeng didn't feel any sense of inferiority in Yuechan's presence. She had more pressing matters to attend to.

"Is there somewhere we can sit?" Yufeng asked politely, her focus on the task at hand rather than any sense of comparison with the Frozen Cloud Asgard Chu Yuechan.

Chu Yuechan nodded in agreement, leading Yufeng to a nearby pagoda situated in the center of a makeshift lake in the courtyard. They took their seats, and Chu Yuechan waited for Yufeng to speak, sensing that she had something important to discuss.

However, before Chu Yuechan or Little Fairy could even begin to address the situation about Ling Yuefeng, Yufeng raised her hand in a gesture to silence her. It was clear that Yufeng had something urgent on her mind, and Chu Yuechan waited patiently for her to speak.

"I am not here about that fiend of a husband of mine nor how you knew him. I am here to ask a few questions about a certain matter," Yufeng gently interjected, flashing a calm smile toward Little Fairy. Despite this being their first direct meeting, Yufeng felt compelled to act as if she already knew her. It was a facade she maintained to conceal her lack of knowledge about her surroundings.

"Lady Xuanyuan…" Little Fairy began, but Yufeng interrupted her once more.

"Just Yufeng," she insisted, the name Xuanyuan seeming to irk her for reasons unknown. She composed herself before getting to the heart of the matter. "Lady Yuechan, what do you know about the Eternal Love Potion?"

Little Fairy was taken aback by the sudden shift in conversation. She had expected Yufeng to inquire about her husband, Ling Yuefeng, but the focus on the Eternal Love Potion caught her off guard. It was the same potion that had been used to try and poison herself the previous night. Little Fairy couldn't help but feel a sense of suspicion.

"Please, I have to know," Yufeng pleaded, her demeanor softening as she appealed to Little Fairy for information. There was a sense of urgency in her tone, and it was evident that this topic was of great importance to her.

Little Fairy, keeping her guard up, cautiously asked, "May I know the reason?" She couldn't shake off the feeling that Yufeng's sudden interest in the potion was linked to something more sinister.

"Ling Yuefeng, that husband of mine, used to adore you back then," Yufeng confessed, her voice tinged with a hint of bitterness. "Even now, I understand your stature as a disciple of the Frozen Cloud Asgard and your refusal to indulge his whims. But I am not here to wallow in jealousy. I simply want to know the function of that potion. Did he ever try to use it on you?"

Yufeng's words were unexpected, her gentle tone and sincere inquiry contrasting sharply with the rumors Little Fairy had heard about her. Despite her suspicions, Little Fairy couldn't detect anything amiss with her haki, leaving her uncertain about Yufeng's true intentions.

So, Little Fairy decided to be truthful. "He actually did. Last night when he sought my audience and offered me that potion. I do know of the potion and its effect."

"I see. Did you take it?" Yufeng inquired.

"No, it is a devil's poison for us women so I refused his gift with rude remarks. Why do you seek to know of its nature, Lady Yufeng?" Little Fairy replied, her gaze steady and cautious.

Yufeng looked down before she spoke with a sad tone and started to speak truthfully. "I am but a victim to it. If you call it a devil's poison, then you might know of its effect."

"A victim?" Little Fairy wondered, her curiosity piqued.

"Lady Yuechan, how old are you?" Yufeng suddenly asked, catching Little Fairy off guard.

"Around 40 years old," Little Fairy replied, still puzzled by the line of questioning.

Yufeng smiled before she continued, her tone tinged with melancholy. "I see. Have you imagined missing twenty years of your life as if being in a coma for that long? Drinking something in hopes of cultivating, only to wake up in a reality you didn't wish to live, an era you know nothing of?"

"Lady Yufeng, I did not follow you," Little Fairy spoke in confusion, her haki alert for any deception. So far, she sensed none.

"That fiend of a husband of mine." Yufeng flicked her wrist, brandishing her hidden blade, causing Little Fairy to tense in response. But then, she noticed tears streaming down Yufeng's cheeks, softening the intensity of the moment. Yufeng's voice trembled with emotional distress as she spoke. "He poisoned me with that thing. He stole my life from me…. Take that from me. Kill that from me! All that time lost just to cater to his whims! Being asleep for years and becoming a puppet under his control!"

Little Fairy widened her eyes in shock at the revelation of Ling Yuefeng's barbaric deeds. "She was a victim too," she spoke softly, her heart aching for the woman before her. Seeing Yufeng cry so openly, Little Fairy felt compelled to offer comfort.

Yufeng's sorrow permeated the air around her, thick and suffocating, like a heavy fog that enveloped her being. It bore the weight of years of heartache, burdening her soul with a profound sense of loss and despair. In the depths of her eyes, one could discern the traces of countless tears shed in solitude, each tear a poignant reminder of the pain she had endured. Though her body lay still, her heart remained conscious, plagued by questions of why she wept so bitterly. Was it the feeling of having her life stolen away? The sense of being unable to live for herself?

Without hesitation, Little Fairy moved closer and enveloped Yufeng in a warm hug. Yufeng clung to her, releasing years of pent-up sorrow in heart-wrenching sobs. Little Fairy held her close, providing a safe space for her to let out her pain. She trusted her Haki to alert her to any deception, but she sensed only genuine anguish from Yufeng.

If the previous Yufeng's devious personality was in control, Little Fairy was now within striking range but that Yufeng no longer existed.

As Yufeng gradually calmed down, she found the strength to continue her story. "All in the name of his desire to obtain me," she began, her voice raw with emotion. "My last memory shows my cultivation at the age of 16. A just marriageable age for women like us. I remembered him chasing me to be his wife, and kept bothering me over and over until my father had to intervene. I was just a naive girl, but I knew a bad man when I saw one. However, I fell for his tricks. He offered a peace offering, a potion to boost my cultivation, he said. Can you imagine waking up after 23 years of absence in my life, knowing that you had a husband, two children, an old villa mistress, and known as the gentle but cruel and jealous wife?"

Little Fairy listened in stunned silence, her heart heavy with sympathy for Yufeng's plight.

Little Fairy sat silently, grappling with the weight of Yufeng's revelation. Could the potion's effects have clouded her own mind for so long, shaping the course of her life since she was just 16 years old? Now, nearing 40, she couldn't help but wonder how far astray her life had veered without her awareness. "I... I don't know what to say," she finally admitted, her voice tinged with disbelief. "Have you confronted him about this?"

Yufeng shook her head, her expression weary with resignation. "He would've dismissed me. I don't have solid evidence, and I have two children. I don't want them to see their gentle mother attacking their father without proper proof. I might have just recovered my lost life, but I am still someone who wants to put her life back together. I may sound like someone mad if I simply confront him without evidence. Everyone in the villa knew who I was, and some were even deadly afraid of me. I always wondered what kind of life I had when I was clouded by that potion."

As Yufeng wiped the last of her tears away, she stood up and bowed to Little Fairy, expressing her gratitude for being a source of comfort. "If you have no information on it, I am really sorry for bothering you. Please excuse me.."

But before Yufeng could leave, Little Fairy spoke up, halting her in her tracks. "Wait," she called out, her tone gentle but firm. "Eternal Love Potion is a devil's concoction. I don't know if that's the correct interpretation, but it's up to you to decide."

Little Fairy then proceeded to explain the nature of the potion. "The potion is concocted by its creator using unknown ingredients, infused with their own profound powers. It ensnares the victim's heart and mind, binding them to its master, instilling an obsession—usually of lust or love. However, it can also enhance someone's hatred to the point of vengeance."

Little Fairy smiled gently beneath her veil. "Your story, however, intrigues me," she began, her voice soft yet contemplative. "It's remarkable how the potion clouded the victims' minds, influencing their actions without their awareness. The fact that you were under its control for so long, unaware of the deeds you carried out during those years, only to have the effects lifted and your hidden memories restored... It's truly extraordinary."

She paused, her expression thoughtful as she continued, "I don't know the potion's origin, but I'm certain it was designed to ensnare women who were deemed unattainable. Its insidious nature speaks to a sinister purpose—to manipulate and control those who resist, to bind them to the will of another."

A frown tugged at the corners of Little Fairy's lips beneath her veil as she continued, delving into a dark tale of the Frozen Cloud Asgard's history with the potion. "Our Asgard has suffered darker times because of it as well. Vile men have used their power to control the women of the Asgard, and several of our disciples were infected. The women became so obsessed that their hearts froze, literally. They were entombed within the Asgard until we could find a way to reverse its effects."

Yufeng listened intently, her expression a mix of shock and understanding. The revelation shed new light on her own experience, offering a glimpse into the sinister machinations that had manipulated her life for so long.

"Why are you telling me this?" Yufeng inquired, her gaze earnest as she sought to understand Little Fairy's motives.

"To show that even women like us can fall victim to its effects," Little Fairy explained gently. "You didn't seek to defame or destroy us, but to understand the foul potion's influence. Not everyone in the empire knows how to concoct it, as the ingredients are rumored to be scarce."

Sensing hope stirring within Yufeng, Little Fairy continued, "As for reversing its effects... I don't know. We don't know. For you to escape its clutches can be considered a miracle."

Yufeng nodded and told her side of the story. "That fiend told me I fell asleep in the courtyard of my home and brought me back to my room. When I woke up this morning, I was myself again. The illusion of that life was gone forever. Could it be that someone removed its effects from me? It seems impossible that I could have simply passed out in my courtyard like that."

Little Fairy's eyes widened in realization. Yufeng had recovered everything in a single night? It suggested that someone had come and healed her, erasing twenty-three years of suffering in an instant. Little Fairy had an inkling of who might possess such capabilities, considering his origins, but she couldn't be certain. "I see," she murmured, her thoughts racing.

"In that case, I thank you, Fairy Chu Yuechan," Yufeng said, bowing in gratitude. "Your answer is sufficient for me."

"Will you confront him?" Little Fairy asked, her curiosity piqued.

"No, not yet. I will play my cards carefully against him. When the time comes, I will be sure to relay your regards to him for attempting to ensnare you. Someday, I will repay this kindness of yours," Yufeng vowed, her determination shining through.

"I'm sorry to hear what has happened to you," Little Fairy sympathized, her heart heavy with empathy.

"Please live your life well, Lady Yuechan. I must live mine, even though half of it has been taken from me. I may never regain what I've lost, but I will strive to make the most of the life I have left," Yufeng replied with a grateful smile. "For what it's worth, thank you."

"What will you do?" Little Fairy inquired once more, her curiosity lingering.

"I have decided to live my life for now, until I find a way to escape this place and return to the sacred ground. Perhaps there, I may uncover more about the life I once had," Yufeng revealed with determination, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her. With a respectful bow of her head, she turned and left the courtyard, her steps purposeful and resolute.

As Yufeng walked away, a dormant saying echoed in her mind, a phrase that seemed to guide her thoughts and actions even in the face of uncertainty. It was a mantra that reminded her to stay focused, to maintain her resolve amidst the chaos. "Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted," she whispered to herself, the words carrying a weight of centuries-old wisdom. How she obtained it, is still a mystery.

With those words lingering in her mind, Yufeng continued on her path, her heart set on reclaiming the life that had been stolen from her. She knew that the journey ahead would be fraught with challenges and dangers, but she was prepared to face them head-on. For now, she would bide her time, waiting for the opportunity to make her move and uncover the truth hidden in the shadows.

As she watched Yufeng vanish, Little Fairy couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story. "Rascal, do you have something to do with this? Knowing you, it might be possible," she mused silently before turning her gaze toward the mountains and making her way back to the Asgard's quarters.


"Guess the potion really did a number on her. Poor woman," Yun Che remarked, his voice carrying a hint of amusement as he observed the scene through the scope of his HDR sniper rifle. He had been monitoring their conversation using the microphone function of the scope, careful not to alert Xuanyuan Yufeng to his presence. Although he utilized his Haki to enhance his surveillance, he made sure to remain discreet, knowing that Little Fairy was keenly aware of his location despite her subtle acknowledgement.

Impressed by the effects of his Sharingan on Yufeng, Yun Che couldn't help but smirk with satisfaction. He hadn't directly controlled her actions but instead implanted an identity within her subconscious, influencing her to act in his favor. As he watched her brandish a hidden blade and don a makeshift white hood with red lining, signs of the transplanted knowledge and skills, he knew his plan was progressing smoothly. With her newfound abilities, Yufeng could potentially become a formidable asset in his quest to challenge the sacred ground.

Yun Che speculated that Yufeng's confrontation with her husband, who had brought the materials for crafting the Eternal Love Potion, was inevitable. However, he was confident that his influence over her, courtesy of his Sharingan, would prevent her husband from regaining control of her. Instead, Yufeng would likely take matters into her own hands, utilizing her integrated skills and knowledge to uncover the truth about her past and forge her own path.

The path of her becoming an Assassin. The First Assassin in the World of ATG.

"The story about her just got more interesting," Yun Che mused, a smirk playing on his lips as he stowed away the HDR sniper rifle. He resolved to keep a watchful eye on Yufeng, ready to assist her in her journey to become a powerful assassin cultivator under his guidance. With her potential and his guidance, she could become a force to be reckoned with in their world.

Now, it was time to head to the sealing of the demon.

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